(+256 708 643109) Aarons Top electrical contractors in Uganda

We are (+256 708643109) Aarons Top electrical contractors in Uganda. We are a customer focused electrical engineering business specialized in electrical wiring, Solar installation in Kampala Uganda.

We are  (+256 708643109) Aarons Top electrical contractors in Uganda. We are a customer focused electrical engineering business specialized in electrical wiring, Solar installation in Kampala Uganda. Over the years the company has continuously broadened its scope into a wide spectrum of high-quality electrical engineering service support/ solutions to our highly valued customers for services such as power, electrical rewiring, routine maintenance to existing electrical installations in Uganda.

Whatever the application, we are able to offer you the right bespoke products that work in complete harmony with your equipment in severe performance environments. We are based in Kampala, Uganda and have a core staff of committed local professionals, management and support roles to solve client problems with innovative solutions. We maintain close communications with our client with regard to their special requirements and specifications.

Please call us +256 708 643109 / +256 760 081640 Address: William Street, Kampala, Uganda

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