najib kibirige

asked over 3 years ago
I'm a lover of organic produce but I'm surprised that most buyers don't understand this and aren't ready to pay an extra dime..what can I do? I currently have close to 2 acres of red sweetpotatoes awaiting harvest though I haven't got a buyer
  • Holly Stubblefield-USA school board Joy Academy - Ngetut Village, North Pokot Thomas Wamukota
    almost 2 years ago
    Where are you located? Congratulations on going organic to make food healthier. Interested in buying for school if available

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1 Answer

    It's reccommended before you venture or start growing any produce...you first start by idenfying the MARKET then you can go ahead to plant/grow. The market  should command how much you are going to plant ie Number of acres. And also the price.

    answered over 3 years ago