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asked over 6 years ago
Does one need lots of water for fish farming?
  • Bruno Imakileng
    over 6 years ago
    The amount of water depends on stocking density, food input, fish density, water quality, water replacement rate and filtration (if any). You just need a reliable source depending on your needs. In semi-intensive ponds, a stocking density of 1 fish per square meter water surface area is a rough guide.
  • Isaac Omiat
    over 6 years ago
    The Quantity of water depends on the number of fish you want to farm. and the recommended water depth for the fish pond is 1(one) meter

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2 Answers

    The Quantity of water depends on the number of fish you want to farm. and the recommended water depth for the fish pond is 1(one) meter

    answered over 6 years ago

    Fish entirely depend on water for all its life requiements such as Dissolved Oxygen among others. This therefore means that basing on ones production targets and the capacities of their culture facilities, one would possibly need enough water to fill their facilities to capacity. But again due to evaporation, feeding and excretion, the water volume tends to reduce and it's quality also tends to deteriorate creating unfavourable condition for the fish hence need for exchange/flushing to improve the stuation. For this and some other reasons, one needs a reliable water supply source(s) to able to sustain his/her fishstock throughout the production period.

    So one only need enough water, which in this case is that amount which is sufficient to suport fish growth and survival from stocking to market size.

    NB. Water must be of good quality and in sufficient quantities



    answered over 6 years ago