+256 700225423 Goats, pigs, sheep weighing scales in Kampala, Uganda

1 Tonnes
7000000 per Tonne

Supply Ability

, One time
  • animal weighing scales, cattle weighing scales, livestock weighing scales
  • farm bar weigh scales, weighing scales supplier in Uganda
Specification: Inorganic
Location: Kampala
Transportation: No Transportation: Local Pickup Only
Payment: Mobile Money,Cash,Cheque,Others
Delivery time:

Produce description

Heavy-duty livestock scale for weighing medium to large-sized animals. It is the perfect weighing equipment for farm livestock such as cows, horses, cattle, goats, sheep, pig, etc.
A full-size livestock scale comes in various forms such as a Livestock Ring Scale, a Mechanical Stationary Livestock Scale, or a Mobile Group Livestock Scale.
We are located at University Plaza Room A18 Bombo Rd, Wandegeya - Kampala
For more details please contact us on ; +256 700225423
+256 787089315
Or email us at:sales@eagleweighingsystems.com

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Seller information

Medium rectangle 300x250 px   custom dimensions   custom dimensions %282%29
1 Reviews
  • Type: Company
  • Country: Uganda

We supply Livestock weighing scales, Moisture meters, Produce platform scales, Hanging weighing scales, portable scales, body weight scales, crane scales, Electronic scales, travel scales, floor scales, kitchen scales, wholesale scales, and triple beam scales. Most any type of digital scale you can think of, Eagle Weighing Systems carries.
We are located at University Plaza Room A18 Bombo Rd, Wandegeya - Kampala
For more details please contact us on ; +256 (0) 700225423
+256 (0) 787089315
Or email us at:sales@eagleweighingsystems.com

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