
100 Tonnes
272,256 FCFA per Tonne

Supply Ability

1000 tonnes Tonnes, Yearly
  • Top quality
  • Red and white Garlic
  • Sizable
Specification: Inorganic
Location: Mezam
Transportation: International shipping
Payment: Mobile Money,Western Union,Others
Packaging: Bags in 10kg
Delivery time: 2 weeks

Produce description

We have top quality garlic in our warehouse ready for sale. We are looking for buyers. We can supply up to 1000 tonnes in a year. Our garlic's measure 4.0cm, 4.5cm and 5.0 cm.

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Seller information

Profile holder
0 Reviews
  • Type: Individual
  • Country: Cameroon

Trader operating locally and internationally. Help local traders buy selling their products to the international markets. Involved in agricultural produce and vegetables. We sell in tonnes and metric tonnes. We also get involved into long and short term contracts of agricultural produce.

Produce questions

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