Agratronix coffee moisture meters supplier in uganda


Draminski TwistGrain Coffee Pro Moisture Meter in Kampala

  • Moisture meter
  • Moisture content meter
  • Moisture measurement
Location: Kampala
Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Payment: Mobile Money,Cash,Cheque

Produce description

+256705577823 Draminski TwistGrain Coffee Pro Moisture Meter in Kampala. Draminski GMM Mini Grain moisture meter small handy device able to determine your grain moisture very quickly, Ideal for every farmer in Kampala Uganda. Supplier of high-tech electronic equipment for the agriculture, stockbreeding and veterinary sectors.
Moisture content is a crucial element in the marketing of grain, so that grain farmers take particular care to ensure that storage facilities meet requirements. Moisture equals money and grain farmers take great pains to make sure that calculated moisture loss during specific storage times is not exceeded.
An effective and efficient grain moisture meter is essential if grain farmers are to maximise profitability in the marketplace. The cost of a moisture tester if far less than what could be lost if the estimated moisture content is even half a per cent less at the point of sale. Serious farmers are well aware of this and will look to trusted suppliers to provide the necessary high quality equipment. Draminski is often their brand of choice.
Wandegeya KCCA Market South Wing, 2nd Floor Room SSF 036
Tel: +256 (0) 705577823
Mobile: +256 (0) 775259917

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  • Type: Company
  • Country: Uganda

Accurate Weighing Scales in Kampala are the only company in Uganda specialising solely on the sale and service of moisture meters and moisture detection equipment; and have built a reputation and respect within a diverse and rapidly changing and expanding market place and are now recognised as a leading supplier of this equipment. For any further inquiries, mail or contact us…

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