Weig 13


+256 700225423 Truck weighbridge companies & suppliers serving Uganda

  • weighbridge, pitles weighbridge, steel deck weigh bridge
  • Axle weighbridge, concrete weighbridge
  • Weighbridges in Uganda, weighbridge installation in Uganda
Location: Kampala
Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Payment: Mobile Money,Cash,Cheque,Others

Produce description

Uganda’s leading suppliers of weighbridges, weighbridge systems and weighbridge software solutions. We also design and build driver-operated terminals, industrial weighing equipment, weighing scales, weight indicators, load cells, liquid filling systems and process weighing systems.
The products here range from weighbridges for highways, industries and factories, warehouses, shipping companies and the transport sector among others. These weighbridge products are of different sizes and types. We have:-
Single Axle Weighbridges
Single Axle Portable Weighbridges
Tandem Axle Weighbridges
Multiple Axle Weighbridges among others
Concrete weighbrigdes
Pitless weighbridge
Steel deck weighbridge
We are located at Wandegeya University Plaza Room A18
For more details please contact us on ; +256 700225423
+256 787089315
Or email us at:eagleweighingsystems@gmail.com

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Seller information

Concrete weighbridge Concrete weighbridges are the most long-lasting option, providing a solid foundation for heavy-duty operations. Indeed, with these different types of truck scales, businesses can choose the best option to maximize their efficiency and profits.
Eagle Weighing Systems Uganda Ltd is one of Uganda’s leading suppliers of weighbridges, weighbridge systems and weighbridge software solutions. We also design and build driver-operated terminals, industrial weighing equipment, weighing scales, weight indicators, load cells, liquid filling systems and process weighing systems.
The products here range from weighbridges for highways, industries and factories, warehouses, shipping companies and the transport sector among others. These weighbridge products are of different sizes and types. We have:-
Single Axle Weighbridges
Single Axle Portable Weighbridges
Tandem Axle Weighbridges
Multiple Axle Weighbridges
Pitless weighbridge
Concrete weighbridge
Steel deck weighbridge

We are located at University Plaza Room A18 Bombo Rd, Wandegeya - Kampala
For more details please contact us on ; +256 700225423
+256 787089315
Or email us at:sales@eagleweighingsystems.com

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