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+256745949914 Portable Platform Digital Electric Weighing scales in Kampala Uganda

Location: Kampala
Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Payment: Mobile Money,Cash,Others

Produce description

This is a core value of our organization and represents our commitment to make high quality, heavy capacity equipment and partner with suppliers that offer the highest quality products. It is through quality that we deliver the shortest return on investment and the lowest cost of ownership.
We are located at Erina Plaza Room B11 Gayaza Road, Kanyanya - Kampala
For orders and deliveries please contact us on : +256 745949914
+256 (0) 770602006

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Seller information

369649803 122103654482018075 814762198104907961 n
1 Reviews
  • Type: Individual
  • Country: Uganda

These are just some of the many types of scales we carry: digital scales, mini palm sized scales, pocket scales, bathroom scales, weighing scales, weigh scale, specialty scales, balance scales, diet scales, shipping scales, Tanita scales, ohaus scales,
counting scales, baby scales, gram scales, portable scales, body fat scales, crane scales, electronic scales, travel scales, floor scales, kitchenscales, wholesalescales, and triple beam scales.

Produce questions

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