Aquaculture is the rearing of aquatic organisms in controlled environments (from pytoplanktons to big mammals) pytoplankton e.g spirulina; Aquatic weeds e.g uvla, wakame etc, animals e.g FISH and other vertebrates.
Aquaculture is favourable in places with water bodies and uganda is blessed with numerous water bodies that is the 5 large lakes (L. Victoria, L.Kyoga, L.Albert, L. Edward & George) and 160 other smaller lakes.
Fish farming is the most common form of aquaculture. It invovles raising fish commercially in tanks, fish ponds, cages etc. usually for food. A fish hatchery is a facility that produces the juvenile fish which are then transported to the fish pond or cage to mature and ready for eating.
There are 365 fish species harvested in Uganda with the major commercial fish species being Nile perch, Tilapia dominated by the Nile Tilipia, Mukene, happlocromine, Barbus, African catfish. The main culture species are Nile tilapia and African Catfish.
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