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We are located at University Plaza Room A18 Bombo Rd, Wandegeya - Kampala
For more details, please contact us on; +256 700225423
+256 787089315
Or email us at: sales@eagleweighingsystems.com
Calibrated Pocket Weighing scales company in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 150000- Category: Others
- Feature: portable jewelry gram scales, portable jewelry carat scale, Mineral weighing scales, mineral scales, mineral weighing scale for sale, mineral weighing scale price
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing scales price estimate in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 100000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales,Mineral weighing scales, mineral scales, mineral weighing scale for sale, mineral weighing scale price, digital mineral weighing scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing scales manufacturer in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 100000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales, portable jewelry gram scales, portable jewelry carat scales, portable jewelry scale with calibration, portable jewelry scale accuracy
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing scales distributor in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 100000- Category: Others
- Feature: Portable weighing scales, portable scales, portable weighing scale for sale, Mineral weighing scales, mineral scales, mineral weighing scale for sale, mineral weighing scale price, digital mineral weighing scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Pocket Weighing scales supplier in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 100000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral and Jewelry scales supplier in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 100000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing scales equipment supplier in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 250000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Jewelry Weighing scales contractor in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 200000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing scales provider in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 180000- Category: Others
- Feature: mineral weighing scale accuracy, mineral weighing scale capacity, and mineral weighing scale
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Pocket Weighing scales seller in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 120000- Category: Others
- Feature: mineral weighing scale accuracy, mineral weighing scale capacity, and mineral weighing scale
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Pocket Weighing scales vendor in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 90000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Accurate Mineral Weighing scales price in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 150000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales, Mineral weighing scales, mineral scales, mineral weighing scale for sale, mineral weighing scale price
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing scales price list in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 100000- Category: Others
- Feature: mineral weighing scale accuracy, mineral weighing scale capacity, and mineral weighing scale
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing scales cost in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 130000- Category: Others
- Feature: mineral weighing scale accuracy, mineral weighing scale capacity, portable scales, portable weighing scale for sale, portable weighing scale price, digital portable scales, electronic portable scales, portable weight scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Jewelry Weighing scales price in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 200000- Category: Others
- Feature: portable jewelry gram scales, portable jewelry carat scales, Mineral weighing scales, mineral scales, mineral weighing scale for sale, mineral weighing scale price
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing Scales for Sale in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 200000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Mineral Weighing Scales Company in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 150000- Category: Others
- Feature: mineral weighing scale accuracy, mineral weighing scale capacity, and mineral weighing scale
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Electronic Mineral Weighing Scales in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 230000- Category: Others
- Feature: portable jewelry scale with calibration, portable jewelry scale accuracy
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Best Mineral Weighing Scale Brands in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 200000- Category: Others
- Feature: portable jewelry gram scales, portable jewelry carat scale
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Pocket Jewelry Weighing Scales in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 200000- Category: Others
- Feature: electronic portable jewelry scales, portable jewelry weight scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Portable Mineral Weighing Scales in Uganda +256 700225423
Price: 1800000- Category: Others
- Feature: digital portable jewelry scales, electronic portable jewelry scales
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only
Jewelry Weighing Scales in Uganda +256 787089315
Price: 1800000- Category: Others
- Feature: Portable jewelry weighing scales, portable jewelry scales, portable jewelry scale for sale, portable jewelry scale price
- Location:
- Transportation: No shipping: Local pickup only